Chant the Yoga mantra with Hilary Duff


Having relationship hassles?

Is your head flooded by umpteen memories, which once meant greatly to you?

Then, gear up people! It’s time to breathe out all your miseries.

The fresh lead single from Hilary Duff’s album, ‘Breathe In. Breathe Out’ is going to make it to your Stress-Buster playlist. Soon, you’ll learn how to rationalize feelings, brave it out and kiss them “Goodbye”. Music has been our constant companion, be it rain or shine. Similarly, the artiste gives expression to her experiences, allowing us a passage into her life; thus, emboldening our approach towards the odds. Teen idol then, Hilary Duff is now a terrific, diva mother; who banks on this life-giving breathing technique. Well, who would deny this sassy blonde?